The Te Waihou Walkway leading to the renowned Blue Spring, situated near Putāruru in the South Waikato region, will be temporarily inaccessible to the public for approximately one year due to safety considerations. A June rockfall event has rendered the walkway unpassable from Leslie Road, compelling visitors to use the State Highway 28 entrance. This alternative route has resulted in plenty of congestion, with cars and people on the busy highway. The South Waikato District Council is prioritising public safety, hence the announcement of the walkway closure. There will be an assessment of any broader issues during this time, to ensure this popular New Zealand attraction and important water source is managed sustainably.
Visitors are advised to avoid the vicinity for their own safety, and the council is collaborating with locals, the Raukawa Charitable Trust, and the Department of Conservation to develop long-term solutions. The walkway is scheduled to close from 13 November 2023 and is expected to reopen by November 2024.
Blue Spring is a natural treasure, acclaimed as the largest source of pure water in New Zealand and contributing to about 70% of the nation’s bottled water supply. It boasts crystal-clear waters that are a constant 11ºC year-round, with a flow rate so abundant it could fill a six-lane swimming pool in just over 12 minutes. The water’s high optical purity gives it a striking blue-green hue, earning it a place on the must-visit lists of many visitors.
The spring is fed by the Mamaku Plateau, with the surrounding forest contributing to the area’s serene and pristine environment. The Te Waihou Walkway, which provides access to the spring, was developed with significant community involvement, including the planting of trees by over 400 local students.
If you’re in the area during the closure, check out more great things you can see and do in the Waikato with our list of 7 Must-Visit Places in the Waikato here!